Financial Aid: FAQs

The Financial Aid FAQs page at Campbellsville University offers students and families clear answers to frequently asked questions about the financial aid process. From understanding scholarships and grants to navigating loans and the FAFSA, this resource provides helpful information to guide you through every step of securing financial support for your education.

Whether you're a new or returning student, the FAQs page is designed to provide quick and clear answers to ensure a smooth financial aid experience.

Financial Aid Web Graphic

Cost of Attendance Policies & Procedures Staff Student Employment Tuition & Fees


  1. Who pays for my education?
  2. When do I pay my account?
  3. What financial aid opportunities are available to me?
  4. What grants are available?
  5. What loans are available?
  6. Tell me about the student employment program.
  7. Are scholarships available?
  8. What is a performance grant?
  9. Are there other types of financial assistance?
  10. What is FAFSA On The Web?
  11. When should I apply for financial aid?
  12. What determines if I am eligible to receive aid?
  13. Are there any general eligibility requirements?
  14. How will I be selected to receive aid?
  15. How will I know if I have been awarded aid?
  16. What are my chances of receiving aid?
  17. How will I receive the funds and pay my university expenses?
  18. What happens if I receive aid and later withdraw from school?
  19. What will it cost me to attend Campbellsville University?
  20. How can I find out about Campbellsville University's academic programs, facilities, and faculty?
  21. How will I know if I will be treated fairly?
  22. If I have questions or need help, who can I call?
  23. Contact Us

Who pays for my education?

Sometimes parents and students think they pay for the cost of a college education, but in reality, they never do. In fact, the tuition and fees which they pay amount to only a fraction of the total cost of a college education. An education at Campbellsville University is made possible as a service by sacrifice, strict accountability, endowment income, businesses, alumni, and friends.

The cost of an education at Campbellsville University is among the lowest in private senior colleges in the nation. It also compares favorably with even the total expenses at state and municipal institutions.

This website contains statements about expenses and financial assistance. The University reserves the right, however, to make necessary changes in the various programs and fees of the University as circumstances, sound business, and educational philosophy and practices may dictate.


When do I pay my account?

All accounts are payable in advance. A student is not officially registered until his/her account is paid in full. Any exceptions to this policy MUST be arranged with the Office of Student Accounts prior to registration. Transcripts will not be released if there is an unpaid student account.


What financial aid opportunities are available to me?

Types of aid include grants, loans, student employment, scholarships, and performance grants.


What grants are available?

The Federal Pell Grant is a program that provides grants up to $7,395 per year to students who demonstrate financial need.

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a program that provides grant money to students who have demonstrated an exceptional financial need.

The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) provides grants to eligible Kentucky residents.


What loans are available?

The Federal Direct Student Loan offers eligible students with financial need, subsidized loans, and students without need, unsubsidized loans. The interest rate for borrowers receiving the first Direct Student Loan after October 1, 1993, will be a variable rate with a cap of 8.25%. The Federal Government pays the interest for students who have subsidized loans while they are in school, and their payments start six months after they leave school. Students who have unsubsidized loans will have to pay the interest while they are in college and pay the principal, with interest, after college. The amount of the payments depend on the amount borrowed.

The Federal Parent Loan (FPLUS) can provide parents of university students loan money up to full university cost. A variable interest rate is applied with a maximum of 9%.

The KHEAA Teacher Scholarship/Loan Program can provide up to $5,000 per year for students who plan to teach school in Kentucky. A year of the loan will be canceled for each year you teach.


Tell me about the student employment program.

The Federal Work Study Program provides eligible students the opportunity to work and part-time jobs for students with need, allowing earnings to help pay educational expenses. Employment opportunities are based on Federal guidelines and the availability of funds. The average student works 11 hours per week, and never work more than 20 hours per week.

Campbellsville University sometimes employs students who are not eligible for the Federal Work Study Program when these students possess needed skills. This is called Institutional Work-ship.

The Office of Financial Aid also tries to help students locate off campus employment when desired.

Each student who works on campus is given a Student Employee Handbook, which outlines the regulations governing student employment.


Are scholarships available?

There are various types of scholarships available at Campbellsville University:

Academic scholarships are offered to those incoming students who have demonstrated outstanding scholastic achievement in high school and on standardized tests.

Transfer scholarships are offered to students who have demonstrated outstanding scholastic achievement in previous collegiate work

Church related scholarships are given to students who have been active and demonstrated leadership in their churches.

The Diversity Scholarship Program consists of four purpose-driven funds: Chowning Minority Scholarship Program, Diversity Scholarship for Christian Ministry, Diversity Scholarship for Teacher Education, and General Association of Baptist in Kentucky Award.

Various scholarships have been made available by generous contributions from the many friends and alumni of Campbellsville University. These are offered to students who meet the qualifications established by the donors.

The KEES (Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship) is a state funded scholarship that allows Kentucky high school students attending accredited Kentucky institutions to earn up to $2,000/year for earning good grades in high school and up to $500 for ACT scores.

Outside scholarships that a student has received can also be applied to their financial aid award. Please contact the Office of Student Accounts for more information at 270-789-5203.


What is a performance grant?

Performance grants are gift aid which are awarded on a competitive basis in the areas of Art, Band, Drama, Journalism, Music, and Varsity Athletics. Students usually audition or try-out to demonstrate their abilities. When accepting a performance grant, a student signs a contract agreeing to meet specific performance obligations.


Are there other types of financial assistance?

Vocational Rehabilitation benefits go to students with physical disabilities. The student should contact the Vocational Rehabilitation Office nearest his/her hometown for more information.

Veterans Administration benefits include aid for veterans and their dependents under the G.I. (VA) Bill. Campbellsville University's Director of Student Records is the VA coordinator on campus.

Students are always advised to ask their guidance counselors, civic club leaders, and local business leaders about other scholarships.


What is FAFSA On The Web?

FAFSA On The Web is an internet application developed by the U.S. Department of Education that students may use to complete their FAFSA. This option is free of charge and has several advantages over the paper version. These include faster processing, more detailed instructions, skip logic, and automatic edits that can eliminate many common filing mistakes.


When should I apply for financial aid?

The priority filing date for Campbellsville University is December 1st, but PLEASE do not wait to file. FAFSA filing begins October 1, so file your FAFSA as close to October 1st as possible. Send the FAFSA to Campbellsville University using the school code: 001959.


What determines if I am eligible to receive aid?

The main factor of eligibility is your financial need. Financial need is evaluated by comparing the cost of attending Campbellsville University with the ability of you and your family to finance your education. The information for making this evaluation comes from the results of your FAFSA and is called a Needs Analysis.

Cost of Education - Family Contribution = Need

There are some financial aid awards that are not based on need such as some scholarships and performance grants. However, all students receiving any type of aid must have a needs analysis on file.


Are there any general eligibility requirements?

Yes, all students receiving aid at Campbellsville University must meet the following general requirements:

* Admitted and working toward a degree at Campbellsville University.

* Meet enrollment status for awarded aid programs. Some aid programs require full-time enrollment and some only part-time.

* Be making measurable satisfactory academic progress. This means making both an acceptable GPA and the accumulation of credits toward completion of a degree.

* Certify that you will use financial aid only for education related expenses at Campbellsville University.

* Certify that you are not in default on any loan or owe a refund to any financial aid program at any institution.

* Certify that you are registered with Selective Service, if required by law.

* Certify that you will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of controlled substances (drugs) during the time you are receiving financial aid.


How will I be selected to receive aid?

By properly completing and submitting the appropriate financial aid forms on a timely basis, you will be considered for the Federal Pell Grant and/or state grants.

Selection for other aid will depend upon you meeting the guidelines of each individual aid programs and the availability of funds. Campbellsville University will follow Federal guidelines with students having the greatest need being given priority. Preference will also be given to those who file their forms before December 1st.

The Director of Financial Aid will put together a financial aid package for each student using all available resources. This package may contain several different types of aid.


How will I know if I have been awarded aid?

After your financial aid package has been completed, incoming students will receive an award letter, while returning students will receive an email. Incoming and returning students should log into TigerNet to view, accept, or deny financial aid awards.


What are my chances of receiving aid?

Over 95% of the students attending Campbellsville University apply for financial aid, and approximately 93% of those students receive some financial assistance.


How will I receive the funds and pay my University expenses?

Direct University expenses - tuition + room & board for resident students - will be charged to your account the day you register for classes.

All grant and loan payments will be made by check or credited directly to your account. All grants and loan payments are credited to the student's account after Census date. All payment arrangements can be made through Office of Student Accounts at 270-789-5203.


What happens if I receive aid and I later withdraw from school?

If you leave school before the end of the semester and you have received financial aid, you may discover you owe a refund or a repayment to the various aid programs which helped you. It is recommended that you speak with a financial aid counselor before you change your enrollment status.

Visit the Campbellsville University Financial Aid Policies and Conditions web site for more information or check your school catalog.


What will it cost me to attend Campbellsville University?

Charges associated with attending Campbellsville University are outlined here.


How can I find out about Campbellsville University's academic programs, facilities, and faculty?

All of this information is contained in the University Catalog-Bulletin. You may receive your copy by contacting our Office of Admissions.


How will I know if I will be treated fairly?

Campbellsville University formally commits to complying with all laws mandating affirmative action and equal opportunity, as well as all relevant state and federal regulations. The policy of Campbellsville University is to guarantee freedom from discrimination in its operation and administration of its programs, services, and employment practices; in its relationships with students, faculty, and staff; and in its interactions with the community which it serves.

The Office of Financial Aid makes a special effort to see that all students receive all of the aid for which they are eligible. However, in the event that a student feels that he/she has not been treated fairly, the student may submit a written appeal to the University Financial Aid Committee.


If I have questions or need help, who can I call?

Additional information on Campbellsville University's financial aid programs is provided in the Catalog-Bulletin or from the Financial Aid staff by calling 270-789-5013. Information about campus safety, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, and graduation rates is available from the Office of Enrollment at (270) 789-5220 or (800) 264-6014.


Contact Us

General information and forms are available from the Office of Enrollment by calling (270) 789-5220 or (800) 264-6014.

Specific questions can be directed to the Office of Financial Aid at (270) 789-5013.