Rhonda Vale

Instructor of Nursing and Clinical Coordinator

Campbellsville Campus
Rhonda Vale
MSN, RN Rhonda Vale obtained a Master of Science in Nursing, 2012 Western Kentucky University, with emphasis in Nursing Education. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Austin Peay State University, 2002 and has an Associate of Arts, University of Maryland University College, Heidelberg Germany, 1999. Her nursing career centered in Critical Care/Cardiac and Step-Down Units also having experience as a School Nursing Manager, and in Nursing Education. Employed at Campbellsville University School of Nursing since 2007, she has had the pleasure to work with every Associate Degree cohort graduated since the Nursing Program began. Ms. Vale teaches First Year Experience for pre-Nursing students, NUR 099 for students repeating a core nursing course in ADN program, and Transcultural Nursing for students in the RN to BSN program. She is a member of OADN, KLN, NLN, KNA, ANA, Sigma Theta Tau’s Delta Psi Chapter, and the Transcultural Nursing Society. Kentucky Nurses Association membership includes serving as past Chair of Ethics and Human Rights and Nominating committee at local and state levels.